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also entrusted me with a mission: putting his plan into
action while keeping Uri-Teshoop in the dark.
From the balcony of his quarters in the palace complex,
Uri-Teshoop gazed at the new moon. There dwelt the secret
of the future, his future. He spoke to her at length, con-
fessing his desire to lead the Hittite army to victory, slaugh-
tering anyone who stood in his way.
The emperor s son raised a loving cup toward the heav-
enly body. The water it contained would reflect her secrets.
All Hittites practiced the art of divination, but appealing
directly to the moon was a risk that few dared take.
Her silence violated, the moon became a scimitar that
could slash an attacker s throat, hurling his body over the
ramparts. Those who met with favor, however, were granted
luck in battle.
Uri-Teshoop prayed to her, the insolent, fickle queen of
the night. For more than an hour, she was silent.
194 Christian Jacq
Then the water rippled and began to bubble. The cup
grew burning hot, but Uri-Teshoop held on.
The water stopped boiling. On the flat surface a man s
face appeared, topped with the twin crowns of upper and
lower Egypt.
So this was Uri-Teshoop s destiny! He would kill
Ramses and make Egypt a docile slave.
is goatee trimmed to perfection, clad in a heavy tunic,
Hthe Syrian merchant Raia made his way to Ahmeni s
office. The king s private secretary saw him at once.
 I hear you ve been looking for me all over town, Raia
said uneasily.
 Quite right. Serramanna was ordered to have you report
to me, by force if necessary.
 By force? But why?
 Circumstances surrounding you have aroused grave sus-
The Syrian looked shaken.  Suspicions?
Ramses: The battle of kadesh 195
 Where have you been hiding?
 I haven t been hiding! I was down at the docks, in my
warehouse, arranging a special shipment. As soon as I got
wind of this incredible rumor, I came running. I m an
honest trader, established in Egypt for years, with a clean
record. Just ask my staff, my customers! My business is
expanding and I m about to invest in another barge. My
foodstuffs are served in the finest homes and my imported
vases grace the mansions of Thebes, Memphis, and Pi-
Ramses. I even supply the palace! Raia s voice rose ner-
vously throughout his recitation.
 I m not questioning your business practices, said
 Then what am I accused of ?
 Are you acquainted with a certain Lilia, a woman of
easy virtue residing here in Pi-Ramses?
 You re not a married man?
 My work doesn t leave me time for a wife and family.
 You must have relationships.
 My private life is my own business.
 It s in your interest to answer.
Raia hesitated.  I have women friends, here and there
around the country . . . To be honest, I work so hard that
when I have time off, I prefer to catch up on my sleep.
 Then you deny knowing this Lilia?
 I do.
 But you do acknowledge that you dispose of a ware-
house in Pi-Ramses.
 Of course! I rent a large space on the waterfront, but I ll
soon outgrow it. That s why I took another place in town.
I ll start to use it at the beginning of the month.
 Who s your landlord?
196 Christian Jacq
 An Egyptian named Renouf, a business acquaintance of
mine. A good man and an honest merchant who bought the
place but decided not to use it. He offered me very good
 For the moment, the building is vacant, then.
 Do you go there often?
 I ve only been once, with Renouf, to sign the lease.
 Lilia s body was found in that warehouse, Raia.
The merchant seemed stunned by this revelation.
 The poor girl was strangled, Ahmeni continued,
 because she was about to denounce the person who d
forced her to bear false witness.
Raia s hands trembled. His lips went white.  A murder . . .
a murder, here, in the capital! How dreadful . . . violence . . . I m
 Where are you from, Raia?
 Syria, originally.
 The evidence has led us to believe that the man we re
seeking is Syrian.
 There are thousands of us in Egypt!
 You re Syrian, and you hold the lease on the property
where Lilia was murdered. A disturbing coincidence, don t
you think?
 Pure coincidence!
 This crime is linked to another extremely serious offense.
That s why the king asked me to expedite the investigation.
 I m only a merchant, a simple merchant! There s always
resentment against a successful foreigner, I know. But every-
thing I have, I ve earned the hard way. I ve never stolen from
 If he is the man we re looking for, thought Ahmeni,
 this Raia is quite an actor.
Ramses: The battle of kadesh 197
 Look at this, the scribe demanded, handing the Syrian a
dated copy of the police report on the discovery of Lilia s
 Where were you on the day and night in question?
 Let me think. I travel so much that it s hard to remem-
ber . . . yes . . . I must have been in Bubastis, restocking my
shop there.
Bubastis, the charming home of the cat goddess Bastet,
was some distance south of Pi-Ramses. With a fast boat
and a strong current, however, it was only five or six hours
from the capital.
 Can anyone vouch for you?
 Yes, my manager and my regional representative.
 How long were you in Bubastis?
 Only that day. I left the next morning for Memphis.
 A perfect alibi, Raia.
 It s not an alibi! It s the truth.
 Give me the names of your men there.
Raia scribbled them on a scrap of papyrus.
 I ll check, promised Ahmeni.
 It will prove my innocence!
 I request that you remain in Pi-Ramses until further
 Am I under arrest? he asked shakily.
 There may be more questions for you to answer.
 But my business! There are vases I need to deliver per-
sonally . . .
 Your customers will wait.
 I may lose some of them. I always deliver on the day I
 Circumstances beyond your control, you can tell them.
Where are you staying?
198 Christian Jacq
 In a little place behind my warehouse on the waterfront.
How long are you planning to keep me in suspense?
 Don t worry. It will all be settled soon.
The third full cup of strong beer barely took the edge
off Serramanna s anger. He had been to Bubastis and back
in record time.
 I questioned Raia s employees, he told Ahmeni.
 Do they confirm his alibi?
 Of course.
 Will they swear it in court? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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