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still, Ferdian. Hates what you did to Elizabeth. Medrawd would love nothing more than
to get his hands on you.
 How is it you know my name, child? And why are your words suddenly that of
someone much older?
She continued to smile.  Someone whispered them in my ear. Someone who hates
you almost as much as you hate yourself. She let her power out, it slammed into the
door, crashing it into a hundred pieces.  Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!
Lights flickered on in the hallway and a large man with shoulder-length blond
hair rushed into the frame. Her father took one look at Ferdian and lifted his hands.
Power shot out and sent Ferdian spiraling out of the image. The white globe of light
faded fast, taking the image with it.
Melanie coughed and more blood came up.
Ferdian took a step towards her.  See, you know who and where Elizabeth is,
Melanie. I know she s the one who told you about me. The one who whispers to you. Tell
me now. His brow furrowed.  Are you bleeding?
He made anther move for her and Wilson, Jon, Roi, Lukian and Green made a
motion to move. The men in black aimed at them even though they couldn t get far.
Melanie put her hand up.  Don t shoot them. I ll tell you. Let them go.
 Tell me first and then I will.
Closing her eyes slightly, Melanie let her gut instincts guide her. She let out a soft
laugh.  Listen, old buddy, old pal, I ve got about a week left, if that. They don t think I
know I m dying. I do. If you think I give a shit if these people live or die then you re
stupider than I thought you were when I was four. By the looks of your portable viewing
screen there, my opinion of you was low even then. She grabbed Wilson s hand and
pulled him closer to her.  Here, kill this one. No one likes him.
Wilson s eyes widened and the rest of the people she was with gasped.
Melanie leaned over and coughed slightly.  A kiss from the whore before dying?
She didn t wait for him to respond, she pressed her lips to his, thrusting her blood into his
mouth. With her blood, came her defense to their silver bullets. She drew back and put
her hand out to Ferdian.  Christ, you are slow. Give me the gun, I ll shoot him myself.
Ferdian s brows rose.  Give the lady a gun.
 Are you mad? the man asked.
He laughed.  Melanie is harmless. The woman grew up dancing, singing, living in
a land of make believe. If she hits him it will be amazing. Now, Elizabeth, she s one I
wouldn t want to see armed. The woman is lethal when provoked. It s part of what I love
about her. Her little friend here is nothing to be concerned with. Though, I will be sinking
my cock into her later. I can hardly pass up a body and spirit like that now, can I? Give
her your gun. Let her prove herself.
The man next to Ferdian handed her a weapon reluctantly.
Turning, Melanie looked at Wilson and winked a second before she fired at his
chest. The rest of his team went to charge at her but found themselves at the end of so
many guns and still stuck behind Ferdian s power. They had no choice but to stand still.
Ferdian laughed.  Wise choice gentlemen, those are silver bullets they have
Melanie coughed and more blood came up.  Cut the shit and let s go find
Elizabeth. I ll even let you stare at my ass the entire way.
The man next to Ferdian went for Peren. Melanie shot him in arm. He lurched
back and stared at her with wide eyes. She winked.  Did I say you could move?
The man glared at her.  Lucky for you, your aim is shit or I would gut you now.
Melanie put her hand out and smiled, drawing upon her power.  Gun!
The semi-automatic gun one of the men had flew at her. She caught it with one
hand and aimed at the bad guys to her left. Without looking, she fired, careful to let off
the trigger where she knew the I-Ops to be standing. She kept her gaze on the man next to
Ferdian the entire time, watching the shock on his face and loving every second of it.
When she was done, she smiled.  I trust you will find all of your men injured or dead and
none of mine are. As you can see, my aim is not an issue. I was being kind by not
shooting you in the head before. If you try to touch my friend again, I ll put one between
your eyes, asshole.
Ferdian laughed from the gut.  Oh, I can see why Elizabeth likes you. You have
her spirit. Her spunk. He glanced around the room.  Her aim. Though, you forgot about
your man, the one you shot. He s dead.
Wilson laughed as he rolled to his feet slowly.  No. Actually, I m not. I don t
know how I m not. But I m not.
Melanie smiled.  It s the Fae blood. We aren t allergic to silver. I sensed you
were. I d apologize for shooting you but you did antagonize the  science geek earlier.
 Who, Gr--
Melanie thrust magik out at Wilson, shutting him up before he could say
Chapter Five
Ferdian stared at her and clapped.  Very good, Melanie. Elizabeth has taught you [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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