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Huldah let go of Corey with one hand and stretched it
behind her and between her body and Derek's. Naughtily she
stretched farther and found that her fingertips could play with
his balls. At the same time she pulled Corey harder against
her chest, rubbing her aching nipples on his hard muscles,
and kissed him.
With a strangled moan he rotated his hips hard and thrust
his tongue into her mouth. Derek leaned forward, pushing as
deep into her as he could, and bit down on the tender area
where her neck and shoulder joined.
With a scream, Huldah exploded. Her orgasm coiled up
from her womb and burst like a storm up her spine and out
the top of her head. Her arms and legs shook with the power
of her release and her ass and cunt clenched hard on the
men's cocks.
The men leaned across her, holding their cocks as deep
inside her as they could, and kissed. It was a raw, passionate
scraping of teeth and thrusting of tongues and it hurled them
both into climax as Huldah still shook and rippled around
The men cleaned up in the cold creek water. First one,
then the other performed their ablutions, while one of them
held and hugged her. A pot of water slowly warmed, which
they then used to carefully clean her. Then they rolled her
between them in the joined-together sleeping bags and
spooned against her as she slipped in to a deep sleep.
Huldah's Two Hikers
by Berengaria Brown
Corey and Derek held hands across her body, Derek
leaning up on his elbow so they could see each other's faces
while they talked quietly.
"You've really got it bad, haven't you?" asked Corey. "Do
you think she's the one? Have we found her, d'you reckon?"
"It's too soon to be sure, but so far she seems perfect.
She's right, you know. She's probably a better hiker than
either of us. Certainly she's never been wrong on directions
during this walk. And she never complains, unlike so many
other women," he added, thinking in particular of Sara and
"And she's fun to be with and she has your cock in a knot,"
added Corey.
"Well, yeah, that too. Ya know that blowjob she gave me?
I've never come so hard from a bj before."
"Oh yeah, she's definitely hot in bed. Those legs of hers
are a total turn-on. But more I think it's just her. Ya know
the whole package. She's a hell of a woman," Corey replied.
"Yeah, well we've one more night on this walk, and then
whadda ya say? We invite her back to our place on Sunday?
See if she'll stay for a few weeks? Or maybe longer?"
"Sounds like a plan. She'll be too sore for more anal for a
day or so, seeing she's not used to it. But there's so many
other things we can do. And I'd like to take her shopping. Buy
her a slinky red dress that bares her back and makes the
most of those legs."
"Hell, yeah! Jeez, my cock's harder than the cliffs just
thinking about that," answered Derek.
Huldah's Two Hikers
by Berengaria Brown
He leaned up higher and pulled Corey toward him across
Huldah's sleeping body so they could share a kiss. It wasn't
the harsh, teeth-clashing kind of kiss they so often shared,
but a gentle one, a mere brushing of lips, a fitting
accompaniment to them lying there holding hands.
"Remember when we first met?" asked Corey. "I'd just
started work at the firm and I walked into the break room and
you were sitting there with your feet on the table, legs wide
apart, rubbing your thigh muscles a pulled hamstring."
"Hell yeah. You walked in the door and looked at me,
looked at my cock, and the damn thing nearly burst out of my
pants. I totally forgot about the hamstring as soon as I saw
where you were looking."
"And such a delicious cock it's proven to be," said Corey.
"It's given me a lot of pleasure, as you have." He rubbed his
thumb over the soft inside skin of Derek's wrist. "And the
very next week you took me to the hiking club and I was
instantly addicted. Addicted to you. Addicted to your cock.
And addicted to hiking. And now we're both addicted to
Huldah as well."
"Yeah I really think she might be the one to make us into
a permanent threesome. She fits right in with us both and, as
you said, 'has my cock in a permanent knot.' I really hope
this is it."
"Me too. She seems damn near a perfect match for us
The men leaned across the sleeping form of Huldah and
shared another kiss, then dropped more kisses on her head
before settling down to sleep.
Huldah's Two Hikers
by Berengaria Brown
[Back to Table of Contents]
Huldah's Two Hikers
by Berengaria Brown
Chapter 5
The third day of the walk was a demanding one up
Haggity's Mountain, then down to Haggity River. Most hikers
chose to camp at the river and then walk for three hours to
the parking lot pick up point at East Haggity the following
day. This was where Howard would be meeting them at noon
The trail up Haggity Mountain was narrow, winding and
rocky, but clearly marked so easy to follow. Nevertheless
Huldah found herself spending a lot of time watching her feet
rather than the scenery. Twisting an ankle on one of the
many loose rocks wasn't in her plans for the day.
Fortunately her boots were good ones and her soles
maintained a good grip on the ground. At each new, higher
plateau she paused to look around. The day had begun with
the air clean, crisp and fresh-smelling, but as they climbed
higher up the mountain Huldah noticed a definite scent to the
"Eucalypts!" she exclaimed. "That scent is eucalypts!
They're not native. Who on earth would have planted
eucalypts way out here?" [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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