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man the man who knew what he wanted and intended to take it. Shit, it was pretty hot, even if it was
being done out of anger. Man, I am so messed up.
Joe glanced toward the bed. If Vlad wanted this, Joe was all for it. He removed his sweatpants
and left them on the floor before peeling his T-shirt off and turning away, situating himself with his
ass offered up.
 I won t do this if you are not into it.
Vlad knelt behind him, sliding his large hands onto Joe s hips and gripping tightly. No doubt Joe
would have marks.
 Take me. Take what you need.
 Stay there.
Vlad awkwardly scooted across the bed to get the condoms and lube from the nightstand and
came back to kneel behind him. Joe was afraid to turn around, not sure what Vlad would do, so he
stared straight at the headboard in front of him. The condom wrapper crinkled, shortly being
accompanied by the lube cap opening with a soft click. Cold lube hit the outside of his hole, and
almost immediately Vlad s thankfully lubed cock began to slide inside, seating him to the balls in one
quick stroke. Joe would ve let Vlad take him with no lube he felt so fucking guilty but was
thankful at least the other man had slicked himself up. He didn t have time to think further as Vlad
grabbed his hips again and, true to his word, thrust in and out of his hole with almost violent motions.
Joe had never had angry sex, but damn if Vlad wasn t hotter than hell like this. He still thought
fighting just so you could have this kind of sex was taking things a little too far, but he could
definitely see the appeal of it. He knew Vlad wouldn t truly hurt him. It wasn t in his nature.
Soon Vlad s balls were slapping against Joey s ass as he fucked him harder and harder, grunting
with each in-stroke. If possible, his grip tightened even more, and Joe grimaced. Vlad worked him
hard, slamming in and out of Joe s tight channel, and after a few moments, the younger man came
with a coarse shout. Joe hadn t had a similar release, unfortunately. When he looked down, his dick
was only at half-mast and didn t look to be fighting for more.
Vlad pulled out quickly, and Joe turned to see him heading for the bathroom.  Call me if you fix
your problem. The door slammed shut, and Joe sighed. Climbing off the bed, he knew he d be sore
for a couple of days. But he d given Vlad permission to use him. Strangely, the guilt still weighed him
down. He d thought maybe if Vlad had taken him, it would lessen, but his heart was tight in his chest.
He hadn t been fair to Vlad. He hadn t been fair to Brendan. And now he was paying for it. After
slipping his sweats back on, Joe grabbed his bag and went downstairs to put on his shoes and coat. He
didn t have to be at work for hours yet, and he assumed the offer to come over after his shift was done
had been revoked. He suddenly found himself at odds. How had this happened?
Joe drove home and took a fitful nap before work. After his shift, he stopped at the store for a six-
pack. When he got home, he flopped down on the couch, letting out a little yelp as his sore ass took
the brunt of his weight. The hockey game was only half over, but Joe turned the channel, unwilling to
become one of those pathetic, pining bastards. Finding an old action movie, he sat back and watched
for a few minutes.
Glancing at his phone lying on the table in front of him, Joe debated contacting Brendan. No way
would he tell Brendan about Vlad until he could talk to the guy face-to-face, but it felt like he should
at least check in. It had been a while since he d last made contact. Even a quick e-mail would be better
than nothing. He picked up the phone, opened his e-mail app, and wrote:
Hey, bud. Just making sure everything s still on target for you to get out. Ready to take your toys
and go home yet? Take care and see you soon.
He hit Send and then lay back against the couch. By the time a half hour had passed, his first beer
was settling in his belly like a lead weight. But Joe kept drinking, not even stopping to grab a late
dinner. He hadn t eaten since breakfast and knew he d have a bitch of a hangover tomorrow, but he
deserved everything he got.
It was nearly two a.m. when Joe woke on the couch. Five empty bottles were strewn about the
coffee table, and when he rolled to the side to sit up, his belly lurched.  Fuck! He barely made it to
the bathroom before he threw up the meager contents of his stomach. The room swam in front of him.
Finally he stumbled to his room, grabbed the wastebasket, and placed it by the side of the bed. He fell
back to sleep, waking once more when the phone rang.
 What the  He focused bleary eyes on the alarm clock, trying to ignore the cheerful sunlight
streaming in through the window and slicing his skull in half. Nine? Shit, he had to be at work at ten.
Joe rose and immediately made a grab for the dresser in front of him. Maybe work was a bad idea
today. The damn phone was still ringing, but where was it? After nearly taking a header off the closet
door, Joe located it on his dresser. Vlad. He had no idea what to think but answered the call.  Hello?
 Um, hey.
 Hey. He sat down heavily on the bed, feeling a twinge in his ass still. Vlad had really done a
number on him.
 I& called to apologize. I acted like a baby, and on top of that, treated you so badly. Fuck, I
practically raped you. I m sorry. I was mad and hurt. Please don t hate me. His voice cracked on the
last word.  How are you feeling this morning?
 I ll live, Joe said with a short laugh. Man, Vlad sounded devastated. Joe was such an asshole.
 If the hangover doesn t kill me. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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