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Her sheath constricted around him.
She heard him guzzle the rest of the champagne and then heard the empty bottle
clatter to the floor before both his big hands gripped her hips. His foot pushed her feet
farther apart and now she was at his mercy.
He plowed into her pussy and Gwen s consciousness rushed within to where his
cock engaged in a hard, loud, ball-slapping fucking. The sensations crested and
exploded rhythmically in a thousand points of pure pleasure.
Gwen s knees buckled and Roger rode her to the edge of the bed, wresting every
ounce of orgasm from her.
 Oh! she moaned as the spasms subsided.  That was so good.
 We re just getting started, my lady witch. He withdrew and lifted her onto the
bed, rolling her onto her back as he did so.
A gasp escaped her lips. That s right. He hadn t come yet.
Her heart hammered.
He climbed onto the high bed, his knees parting her thighs wide as he nestled
between them. His gaze raked hers.  Can you take me some more?
Her answer was to grasp his shoulders and draw his deliciously heavy body down
onto hers. She gasped when his cock breached her and she felt that familiar inch-by-
inch slide push way up into her pussy.
 Oh Roger, she growled.
 I ll roger ye, he murmured against her ear and he bucked wildly, his breaths
uneven as he drove himself until she could feel him spurting within her.
 Bloody damn hell! A ragged groan tore from his throat as he collapsed and
covered her.
Gwen lay on top of the scattered divorce papers underneath the man who d
confronted her with them. She was trembling and sated and flooded with renewed love
for him.
She ran her hands over his back, which was misted with perspiration. His hot
breath fanned her ear and she turned her head more fully toward him as he brushed his
mouth against the sensitive shell. He pressed a kiss there and then propped on one
elbow to gaze into her eyes.
Gwen s stomach tightened at the combination of love and lust in his expression. She
cleared her throat.  I don t suppose you plan to divorce me after this.
His forehead furrowed.  Divorce?
Gwen swallowed.  I can change if you can. I want this to work.
 What to work, luv?
 Our marriage.
He burst into laughter.  Marriage?
Gwen was stunned and bruised. Her hand slid from his shoulder and she swiped
at a lock of sweat-dampened hair that had stolen across her face.  Yes, our marriage.
 Marriage? he repeated incredulously.
Gwen s eyes narrowed.  If you still want a divorce after this, then by all means, you
fucking bastard, give me a pen and I ll sign the papers.
Debra Glass
He cleared his throat.  Luv, how can we possibly divorce when we are not
Anger flared. She slapped at his shoulders.  Get off me and stop with that fake
He made no move to get off her. Instead, he endured her feeble pushing and
slapping until she grew weary and stopped. When she was finally breathless, he said,
 Exactly who, my lovely lady witch, do you think I am?
Chapter Three
Panic surged.
Gwen stared.
He was still semi-erect inside her.
But who was he?
Suddenly, a blast of wind rushed through the room, rattling the windows and door
violently. Roger s divorce papers swirled around her while the plantation blinds rattled.
The temperature in the room felt as if it had abruptly dropped twenty degrees.
 Major Stede Bonnet! a voice reverberated in the tiny room. The sound of it had an
unearthly, metallic rasp to it.
Gwen gasped. Her gaze riveted to the pale apparition of a pirate. He stood inches
from the bed with his legs braced wide and his hands on his hips. She froze.
Wearing a cutlass belted to his hip and twin flintlock pistols jammed into the
waistband of his breeches, he was dressed from head to toe in the eighteenth-century
garb of a pirate. A greasy black, braided beard jutted from his chin, hanging halfway
down his chest. His bottle green coat was so long it nearly concealed his trousers. The
coat s impossibly wide cuffs were turned up and held in place with big brass buttons.
Thigh-high black leather boots and a ragged, feathered tricorn hat completed his pirate
 Edward Teach, seethed the man who was still embedded inside her.
Gwen s gaze flicked back and forth between them. Her heart beat rapidly.
Well& she had wanted to meet a ghost. But this one looked downright mean.
The sulfurous odor of brimstone permeated the air.
Chills swept her arms and legs despite the carnal heat of the man on top of her. The
voice in her head told her there was no possibility of life ever going to back to normal.
Not after this.
A thin smile stretched across Teach s bearded face. It didn t reach the two beady
black eyes tat roved over Gwen s nearly naked body before lifting to her lover s once
more.  I see you still fancy the doxies. You always were one for eyeing the quality
whores in every port.
Gwen balked. She was no whore. She d thought this man was her husband!
 State your business here! the man above her commanded.
 My business isn t with you, Major Bonnet. Once more Teach s menacing gaze
swiveled to Gwen. He stared as if he could look beyond her eyes and dissect her
Debra Glass
thoughts. His macabre smile stretched impossibly wider.  My business be with the
She felt utterly exposed and it had nothing to do with the fact she was nearly naked.
What could the ghost of a dead pirate possibly want with her? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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