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They went to the archers, spoke to them, and led them over to the
men-at-arms. Brian was already leading the others around the corner of the
ruined chapel to a small grassy spot.
Once there, Brian turned his attention to Dafydd.
"Dafydd," he said, "now that we're apart, not only from our men-at-arms but
from your bowmen, tell us frankly how you think the four of you might open a
way for us through that wall of knights surrounding King Jean."
"It was my thought," answered Dafydd, "that the long bow cannot be fired from
horseback after the manner of some eastern archers with shorter bows, of whom
I have heard, and who shoot even at a gallop. Still, horses might bringmyself
and my three bowmen close enough to the bodyguard of the King, so that we
could work great destruction with our arrows, even against their plate armor,
if so they are all dressed in it. To this end you will have to supply us with
horses. One reason there are only three with me, is that I wanted not only
master archers, but archers who knew how to ride and all three do so, having
been accustomed to horseback since boyhood, for various reasons."
"I can see how this might be a help to us," said Brian, "but I see no special
use for it. We will still face a solid wall of steel and whatever lances or
weapons have been turned to meet us at the sound of our approach."
"You underestimate what the bow can do, as most of those who are not bowmen
tend to do," said Dafydd. "Particularly bows in the hands of such men as these
three I brought with me. Think you for a moment, SirBrian, our arrows can
empty the saddles of those directly before you, therefore breaking the solid
wall of defenders against which you charge; so that you may be in among them
before they are solidly set to face you with horse and weapon."
"Hmm," said Brian, suddenly thoughtful, "there are indeed possibilities in
"Indeed," went on Dafydd. "Further, if we are able to place ourselves at the
angle to your assault that I hope, perhaps we can continue shooting those
ahead of you for some distance in; and, close-packed as those knights must be,
if any have a dead knight ahead of them, or a riderless horse, they will have
difficulty coming at you until that obstruction is out of their way which is
not likely to be brought about easily or quickly, since all the other knights
of the bodyguard will be attempting to get close to you at the same time."
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"I see," said Brian."A very pretty, if hardly chivalrous, way of attacking.
But, since we are largely outnumbered, and with the odds much against us, I
think it should be justified. It comes to me also that your arrows could help
protect the more lightly armed men-at-arms who will follow us knights forward
in our full armor."
"I had that in mind too," said Dafydd.
"What do you think of this, James?" asked Brian, swinging on Jim.
"It fits in excellently with what I had in mind myself," said Jim. "It means,
of course, getting horses for these three extra bowmen and of course one for
His Highness, as well as weapons."
"And armor," put in the Prince swiftly, "nor do you forget a lance, Sir
There was the beginning of another awkward silence. Jim took it on himself to
break it.
"I am afraid," he said to Edward, "Your Highness forgets how difficult it
might be to have the luck to find a suit of armor that would exactly fit Your
Highness. We'll do what we can to armor you, but it'll probably run more to a
helmet, and mail shirt, with plates that can be strapped on the upper legs and
arms. You can count on a shield as well. As for the lance "
"I'll have you know, Sir James!" broke in Edward hotly, "I have been under
instruction by the best teachers inEurope for all kinds of weapons. I doubt
not I am the match of anyone here or anyone I am likely to encounter on our
way to the King tomorrow!"
"None of us doubts that, Highness," said Jim, "but "
"Then you will find me armor and a lance, plus all other necessary knightly
weapons!" said the Prince haughtily. "I so command it!" [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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