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Luke they were in that awkward stage where she feared overstepping the boundaries. She didn t want to
look like some kind of a stalker. It wasn t as if he had called to ask her to come himself. Not that she
expected him to. It must have been a nightmare he d walked into at home, judging by what Chris had told
her that day.
Mustang scowled.  Appropriate? It s a funeral. Most of us are going. You ve worked with him as
long as I have.
Longer, if she counted the years, which she didn t like to do when dealing with the riders who were
still in their twenties.
 I don t know.
He shook his head.  What would you have done before?
 Before what? The end of the sentence trailed up a little too high and Annie s voice sounded fake
even in her own ears. She could only imagine how false her innocent act sounded to Mustang. She was
definitely not an actress.
Tilting his head to one side, he cocked a brow that spoke his doubt.  You want me to say it out loud?
She sighed, guessing there was no hiding it but still willing to try.  I m not admitting anything, but I
guess if this had happened a week ago, before you put it in my head I should go for it, thank you very much
for that suggestion by the way  she hoped the sarcasm was clear,   yeah, I probably would have gone.
 Then you re going.
 But I have plane reservations.
 Change them. You can drive with Slade and me.
Now it was her turn to raise her brow.  Oh that will look good.
 Hey, now that Slade and I both have girlfriends, nobody will think anything of it.
 I don t know. These guys were ladies men, or at least had been until recently.
 Then drive with Chase, Garret and Skeeter if you re not woman enough to stand up to a little
speculation and Slade and I are too much man for you. He grinned.
 Oh, that d look even better. I m practically old enough to be Skeeter s mother.
 No, you re not, and stop saying stuff like that about your age.
She sighed. A man couldn t understand so she moved on.  How long is the drive? Annie couldn t
believe she was actually considering this.
He shrugged.  To Montana? I figure we can stop to sleep for the night and still make it in plenty of
time for the funeral in the morning. I still gotta put it into the GPS in the trailer but that s my guess. Come
on, girl. You only live once.
 So I should attend all the funerals I can in my lifetime? Is that what you re saying? Or I should try
and travel with the most notorious cowboys I can find? Annie raised a brow and waited for his answer.
 No, you should be there for a friend is what I m saying and not let stupid shit get in your way.
Well, that was quite the reprimand from Mustang, and it worked very effectively to put Annie in her
place. He was right. First and foremost, before the sex, Luke was a friend.  All right. When do we leave?
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Cat Johnson
Mustang smiled.  When can you be ready?
Annie laughed. She traveled for a living. Packing was second nature, like breathing.  Give me ten
minutes and I ll meet you back down here in the lobby.
He nodded.  You got it. Oh, and I can t promise I m not going to ply you for information during our
drive about what supposedly didn t happen between you two.
Annie frowned.  You didn t say that before I agreed to ride with you.
 I m smarter than that. See you in a few. With that, Mustang swaggered his denim-clad butt out of
the lobby door, leaving Annie to regret her decision already. Meanwhile, her heart began to pound at the
thought of what awaited her after that drive. Luke. She had to remember it was not just Luke, but Luke s
home life including his grieving family, his best friend and his best friend s sister, who just happened to be
Luke s former girlfriend. She wasn t sure she was ready for all this.
Ten minutes later all right, maybe it was more like fifteen, but only because she d taken time to
change into something more comfortable for the long drive Annie found Slade in the lobby.
He grinned wide and took her rolling suitcase from her.  You all set?
 All set. Um, are you guys sure about this? Me riding with you, I mean. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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