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wasn t dating and had more than a physical attraction to. Yet here she
was. He was nice enough, and hot enough. Would she be able to be
with him, in that way, and not fall for him?
Gia sighed and closed her eyes. To hell with all her preconceived
notions of relationships. Her celibacy had gotten her nowhere. He was
as great a guy as any to have a fling with, even if it was purely
physical. She yawned softly. He had to get here soon as she had an
early call time. The sooner he got here the better.
* * * *
Gia stirred. Her body was being rocked slowly back and forth.
 Gia, wake up, she heard Liam say, and her eyes flew open.
She must have fallen asleep. Her mind slowly returned to her, and
with it, delicious realization. Liam was indeed there, and she smiled
in excitement.
He was standing at the other end of the couch, looking at her with
an expression of awe, bemusement, and raw lust. His dark gaze
focused on her face. In the dim light of the library, he looked even
sexier. He had changed into a simple V-neck white tee shirt and dark
blue jeans. The hard muscle of his arms was taut, bent at his elbows
with his hands on his hips.
She was still on the couch, facing him, though she had somehow
brought herself to a lying position, with one leg on the couch and the
other on the floor. With a start, she realized that she was still panty-
Three Kisses of Lust 61
less and facing him. That explained the raw lust. She should have
closed her legs. In any other circumstance she would have. But right
now, with a glance at his erection bulging through his jeans, she
couldn t help the naughty thrill that coursed through her, knowing that
she was turning him on.
She smiled seductively as she looked at him through her lowered
lashes and raised her hips slightly, giving him a full view of her moist
slit.  Hey, you re finally here. I must have dozed off, she whispered.
His chest rose as he swallowed a sharp breath and licked his lips.
They curved slowly at the corners and his eyes narrowed. But still, he
said nothing, just staring.
Why was he just standing there? Gia frowned and, forgetting the
cheap thrill, she sat up and pushed her foot to the floor, closing her
legs.  You okay? Is it too late? Should I go?
Wasn t he supposed to be happy that she was here? Then why did
he look so utterly confused? Almost like he hadn t believed she would
actually be there.
 Gia Carelli, he finally whispered, his voice strained and his
expression calm and controlled.
Gia frowned then smiled.  You remember my name. I m
impressed. Or had he forgotten their pseudo date? A flash of panic
constricted her chest and she battled against the thought that maybe
his offer was more in the moment and perhaps one he now regretted?
Oh God. She sighed and chewed on her lower lip.
Liam walked forward and turned, facing her. From this close, she
could see that his glistening hair was actually wet, as in just-showered
wet. Had he been in the house all this time? She shifted in her seat,
moving her hands to her lap. Perhaps this was all a mistake and she
should just leave?
He raised his hand slowly, extending it toward her, and he smiled,
that dazzling smile reaching his too sexy, thunderous eyes.
Gia raised her own hand thinking that he wanted to help her up, or
maybe it was to help her out of his house? She was no longer sure
62 Dede Craig
what was happening. Even though he was smiling at her, something
was different. Then it hit her. Stone-cold realization whipped through
her senses just as he gently shook her hand.
Her eyes widened in shock and she froze in place, her hand limp
in his. There were no moles or scars above his eyebrow. She
swallowed a choked breath and felt her throat constrict. The rush of
blood to her cheeks betrayed the hot humiliation that rocked her body.
She had just splayed her soaked nakedness like a well-done chicken in
all her glory to Liam s brother.
 Oh my God, she whispered, her gaze fixed on his. She rose
slowly to her feet, her hand still in his.
 I m flattered of course, but Aidan will do. He smiled and
winked, his hand gently cupped around hers.
Gia pulled her hand away from the intense heat of his and licked
her lips.  I m so sorry, I thought that, that 
 It s okay. We get that a lot. It s a pleasure to finally meet you,
Gia. You are gorgeous.
Gia stared up at him, her gaze darting across his face. From this
close, she was shocked at how exactly alike they looked. If it was not
for the small telltale signs on Liam, the scar, the mole, she would
have never been able to tell them apart. For all intents and purposes, it
could just as well have been Liam standing in front of her.
 Have you been waiting long? he purred, and even the tone of his
voice was exactly like Liam s, warm, honeyed, and sexy as hell.
She shook her head slowly then sat down, her eyes still on Aidan.
She wasn t sure if she should stay or leave. This was too weird. Even
knowing that they were identical twins had not prepared her for this.
She shook her head in disbelief.
 You did know we were twins, right? He arched his brow.
She swallowed, battling to regain composure. As shocked as she
was by their likeness, she could not shake the embarrassment of
having flashed him only moments ago and now he was standing there
as if nothing had happened. But that was not her fault, was it? Liam
Three Kisses of Lust 63
could have at least warned her that Aidan was around, that he might
be here tonight.
And, oh Lord, she had to admit, Aidan was obviously just as hot
as Liam, and though her mind knew the difference, her body was a
throbbing question mark of clueless frisson. She found herself as
inexplicably attracted to Aidan as she was to Liam. Even that smoky,
seductive look in his eyes, eyes that ravished her earlier, that were
ravishing her now. God, what was she thinking? This was his brother.
She had no right to even go there. She cleared her throat before
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