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has his own cross to bear, you and me especially, he said.
 Now the fact is that some hard-hearted son-of-a-bitch, who
didn t bother to try and understand what Simple was going
through, locked him up against his will and kept him a
vegetable on drugs. They robbed him of five prime years.
Now you and me been friends for six decades, and in all that
time you ve been decent to me, a real friend, but if you ever
again call this young man crazy in my presence, I ll spit in
your eye and never say another word to you as long as I live.
Silent moments passed while the two men traded stares.
Emmett finally looked over at Simple and said,  You left your
journals on the kitchen table. Jude s not the only one in this
family who can read. I ve been educated, ya know.
 Now don t get riled, Emmett, the judge said, all smiles
and apologies, wheezing a little and sweating a lot. He pulled
Simple Treasures | Alan Chin
a white handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his brow.  I
swear you re getting touchy as an old rooster. Maybe you do
need to find yourself a good widow to take the edge off. He
chuckled at his own joke, then asked,  And tell me, was that
a bird screech coming from inside the house? He managed
another mirthful laugh.
 You bet, Emmett beamed.  I ve decided to take up
falconry. It s the sport of kings and princes the world over.
Got me a fine specimen in the kitchen. Why don t you and
me get us some coffee, and I ll show you my bird? Emmett
looked over at the Sheriff.  Ansel, can I have Simple bring
you a cup?
Sheriff Granger nodded his head.  Black will do.
Judge Bradley laughed, then shuffled up the porch
steps. He held the front door open while Emmett struggled to
his feet and hobbled to, and through, the doorway. Lance
made a move to follow, but the judge told him he d like a few
words in private with Emmett. That time the judge didn t
laugh, and there was no humor in his tone whatsoever.
Simple followed them into the kitchen and poured two
cups of fresh brew. As he did, the judge took a cursory
glance at the bird, then sat on a chair at the table and
opened his briefcase, rummaging around as papers spilled
onto the floor. He extracted a yellow legal notepad and a pen,
then scribbled a few notes. Emmett sat across the table, as if
they were preparing to play cards, and put on his poker face.
 Emmett, the judge said with a humorless voice.  I
need to ask a few questions, and I want straight answers.
 You think I d lie to you?
Simple placed two cups of steaming black liquid on the
table between them. Emmett reached for the sugar bowl and
dumped three scoops in his.
Simple Treasures | Alan Chin
The judge pulled a handkerchief from his coat pocket
and dabbed at the sweat beading above his lips. His cheeks
dimpled into a coy smile. Then he waited for Simple to leave
the room.
Walking outside with another cup of coffee, Simple saw
that Jude was now sitting in one of the rocking chairs. Lance
and Sheriff Granger were still standing at the edge of the
porch. Lance s face had turned a precise shade of purple. He
pulled a knife from his pocket and unclasped its six-inch
blade, then removed a block of pine and went to work,
carving off wood shavings.
Simple crossed the porch to hand Sheriff Granger his
coffee, then sat in the vacant chair next to Jude. Being that
close to Jude made his cheeks burn. Heat coursed through
him in waves. He felt himself being drawn to Jude, like water
to the moon. He didn t look Jude in the eyes. Rather, he
stared at the young man s ochre-colored skin in the hollow
where neck met collarbone, that whisper of soft skin only
partly concealed by his T-shirt collar.
Jude asked,  Do you remember who I am?
 The funny thing is, Jude, Simple said,  I do. We sat
here yesterday, reading my journals. I remember it all.
Before he lost his nerve, he asked,  Do you have any plans
for the weekend?
Jude blinked.
Simple held his breath.
Before Jude could answer, Lance pointed the blade of
his knife at Simple and hissed,  I told you to give him all the
booze he wanted. That s what I m paying you for, God
dammit. You re screwing my deal.
Simple Treasures | Alan Chin
Simple glanced up.  Emmett didn t want any booze.
Your father has integrity. He just misplaced it for a time, or
perhaps he was lured away from it.
 He needs to be hospitalized. This isn t just about me.
It s a win-win for both of us. Him more than me.
 I can t do what you want.
 Then get the fuck off my ranch, or I ll have you arrested
for trespassing.
 I m not on your ranch.
 In about ten minutes it will be, so you better start
Silence settled over the foursome. Lance dropped his
head and went back to whittling. Then Jude said,  Fishing. I
was planning on catching me a mess of cutthroats.
 Got an extra pole? Simple asked.
 I ve got whatever you need, Cowboy. I ll pick you up at
A half hour crept by. Lance stayed stone silent. The
shavings formed a pile at his feet, and he kept lifting his
head to stare through the kitchen window. Jude made small
talk, mostly telling Simple what he knew about San
Francisco.  Yeah, Jude said,  and they have a Chinatown
where you can eat duck s feet.
Simple shook his head.  You want to go all the way to
San Francisco to eat duck s feet?
 It s called dim sum. It s a delicacy.
Simple laughed.  And they call me simple.
Lance checked his wristwatch for the hundredth time.
His head lifted, and his eyes riveted on the kitchen window.
Simple glanced over his shoulder, noting that the judge
and Emmett were walking across the kitchen and heading
for the front door. When they shuffled onto the porch, a
Simple Treasures | Alan Chin
smile dimpled the judge s rosy cheeks, and even Emmett was
showing his dentures.
Lance folded his knife, put it and what was left of the
pine block in his coat pocket. He stared at the judge with a
question etched on his face, but the judge ignored him.
Simple hardly recognized Emmett. Even though Emmett
still leaned heavily on his cane, his broken body about to fall
over, the old man looked animated, like the weight of a
millstone had been lifted off his chest, allowing him to
breathe freely for the first time. The others didn t seem to
notice the change, but Simple saw a new man standing
before him. The burnt-out shell he had been caring for no
longer existed.
 Jude, Emmett said.  You got a ten-spot in your
 Sure, Gramps.
 Hand it over, son.
Jude stood and dug his wallet out of his hip pocket,
then extracted a bill and handed it to Emmett. Emmett
handed him back a slip of paper.
 That s a bill of sale for this ranch, the whole enchilada.
Now you remember what you promised me. You ll never sell.
This land has been in our family for six generations, and I m
leaving it in your care.
 I won t forget, Gramps.
 Just a damned minute, Lance rasped.  What s going
on here?
The judge stepped forward and told Lance that his
father was capable of making his own decisions, and what
just happened was that they all witnessed the legal sale of
the ranch to Jude. As of now, the spread belonged to him.
Simple Treasures | Alan Chin
Lance stared at his son. His hopeful eyes grew large,
and the ends of his mouth bent up into a slight grin. But
Jude shook his head, telling his father that he wouldn t sell,
that he d promised to keep the ranch in the family, for the
next generation.
Lance looked heart shot. Fists clenched, the rims of his
eyes grew red.  Do you have any idea what will happen to me
if I don t sell this ranch? He spoke in a very calm voice that
sounded deadly.
 Lance, you dug that hole yourself, Emmett said.  Now
be man enough to pull yourself out of it. This ranch is
security for your grandkids, and Jude will protect that to the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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