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down for a searing kiss. She looked up minutes later to see that they were the only ones left in
the community room. "Seems that we've been abandoned, what do you wanna do now?"
"Ohhh I'm sure that I can come up with something," Waylon took her by the hand and led her
down the hallway towards her office. "For starters, we can have lunch and then we'll work off the
calories at home." Hudson wrapped her arm around her shoulder and pulled her against her side.
"You brought me lunch?"
"Yep, we got all the stuff up in your apartment and then I treated my helpers to lunch, I couldn't
let you eat that mystery food from the cafeteria now could I?" When they cleared the door to
Hudson's office, Waylon pushed her up against the closed door and pulled her head down. "Why
didn't you tell me you could play the guitar?"
"It never occurred to me," She brought their lips together in a gentle kiss and pulled back. "I have
many talents you don't know about." The kiss they shared had them sinking to the floor to block
the door, they groaned when someone on the other side pounded and then kicked the door hard
enough to shake it in its frame. "Could only be one person that can do that." She helped Waylon
to her feet and then yelled through the door. "GO AWAY TARA!"
"You don't have a degree in Gynecology so open up!" She gave her friends a toothy grin when
the door opened. "I got an idea on how we could catch doctor organ donor." Hudson pulled
Waylon over to her desk and grabbed up the tray of food sitting there.
"OK let's have it?" She said and then pulled Waylon down onto her lap. "And if this lands my ass
in jail, I'll kick yours all the way home." Tara took a seat in the chair across from the desk and
leaned forward.
"I think this might work, ya see, the people who come for the donor organs all carry those white
coolers with a red cross on the sides. We have Jack and Lashawna watching for them and when
one comes in, we grab 'em"
"And then what do we do with them after that?" Waylon said and popped a breaded shrimp into
her lover's mouth. "Tie them up and torture them until they give us all their dirty little secrets?"
"No more like we have one of Hudson's dads take his place, collect the organs and find out
where they're supposed to take them. Since there's no paper work here at the hospital that means
that it has to be& ," Hudson swallowed quickly and thumped her desk with her hand.
"Donor doc has to tell them where to go and then we can follow and get who ever it is that's
funding this little operation."
"Exactly! So do you think it'll work?" She looked between them and crossed her fingers.
"Not to mention, we can find out who all is involved in this." Waylon said, grabbed a pen and
paper and flipped the PC on. "Now to figure out who the next possible victim is," she looked up
to Tara with a cocked eyebrow. "Or has our little spy of an intern already found one?"
"Not that I know of, I think her and Kat are up to their elbows in dirty diapers. They had twins
born this morning and then three other women were in the delivery rooms."
"OK, give me a minute here and I'll see what I can find." She opened her mouth for the shrimp
dangling in front of her and bit Hudson's fingers just for the Hell of it. Tara rolled her eyes and
then snickered when Waylon threw a shrimp in the air and Hudson caught it in her mouth. "I see
three possible people here, one AB negative and two B negative blood types. She wrote down the
names and all pertinent information and handed it to Tara. "See if these people are still where the
computer says and if they are stick Jack and Lashawna on those floors to keep watch."
"Will do, pushy little squirt," she got up from the chair and looked over her shoulder. "No sex on
the desk either you two." Waylon looked to her lover with raised eyebrows and then grinned
until the sides of her nose crinkled.
"Would we do that?"
"What's the difference between my desk and the broom closet?" She answered in a sexy drawl
when Waylon shrugged her shoulders. "We can lock my door and not be caught with 'my' pants
around my ankles."
"I like your pants around your ankles," she licked the side of her lover's neck and growled.
"Better yet, my pants around my ankles." Hudson lifted her up; set her on the desk in front of her
and unfastened the buttons on her old cargo pants.
"I think I can make that happen," she pulled her head down for an open mouth kiss, slipped her
lover's pants down over her hips, and then off completely. "Going native for me?"
"Only for you& " Her head fell back and her arms flexed when lips touched her inner thigh.
"Always for you." She fell back on the desk when a warm wet tongue slipped between her nether
lips to lick at her nectar, her back arched and lifted her up that her shoulders we touching the
desk top. She grabbed Hudson's head and pulled face tighter to her and wrapped a leg around her
shoulders, a deep guttural moan ripped through her when her clit was flicked and then sucked.
She brought her free leg up and placed her foot on the desk; she flexed her leg and thrust her hips [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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