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lightly teased.  How many times do I have to tell you it doesn t matter? To me you re perfect.
A fire blazed to life behind Phillip s sapphire eyes.  Then show me, Phillip said in a raspy
voice that sent a wave of pleasure straight to Casper s cock.
Not needing to be told twice Casper helped Phillip out of his clothes. For a brief moment
Casper stared at the bright white bandage taped to Phillip s chest. He leant forward and kissed the
area softly then urged Phillip toward the bed.
Casper quickly undressed and tripped while trying to remove his pants. Phillip chuckled at him
and continued to run his hand up and down on his deep red and veiny cock.
Casper licked his lips and slowly crawled up on the bed. He pushed Phillip s legs apart and
lowered his head until the leaking tip of Phillip s cock touched his lips. The clear salty juices painted
his lips and he licked out his tongue to taste the delicious flavor.
He could hear Phillip s breathing increase above him and the man s strong fingers combed
through Casper s hair, lightly pushing him down. Casper answered the silent request and took Phillip
into his mouth. The hot firm stiffness slid past his lips and Casper hummed out his pleasure. Casper
moved his head up and down, enjoying the responses of Phillip s body.
Before too long, Phillip was pulling him up by his hair and Casper looked up.
 Come up here. Phillip curled a finger, beckoning him forward.  I want to be inside you when I
Casper moved to straddle Phillip s waist then leaned forward to kiss his lips. Phillip pushed his
tongue past the seam of his lips and Casper turned over control and let the man make love to his
Phillip s hard length caressed against the crease of his ass and Casper moved up and down
letting the thickness tickle along his sensitive flesh. The faster Casper moved the more aggressive
Phillip s kisses became. Casper could feel his balls tighten close to his body with the need to come.
Pulling away, Casper reached for the bedside drawer. He pulled out the bottle of lubricant his
brother had given him. After Carl learned that Casper had become mated to Phillip he sat Casper
down and had the sex talk with him and gave him the supplies he d need. Casper wanted to laugh at
his brother but understood that Carl felt responsible for him and appreciated that the man cared so
much. Even with the things that had happened in Casper s past, Carl still wanted to help Casper have
that normalcy in his life and the sex talk was something most people had to endure from a loved one.
Phillip looked up at him as Casper sat up on his knees. He poured out the clear liquid into his
palm and reached down to coat Phillip s shaft in the wetness. Phillip moaned and his eyes fell shut.
Casper smiled down, loving the fact that he caused that reaction from his strong and sexy mate.
Casper squeezed more lube onto his fingers and reached underneath to paint it over his entrance.
He groaned out loud as his fingers pierced into his tight opening. Adding a second finger he rode his
hand. He jumped slightly when Phillip began to rub his hands up and down his thighs.
 I don t think I ve ever seen a more beautiful sight.
Casper opened his eyes to see Phillip staring up at him with a look of awe on his face.
Casper slowly removed his fingers from his bottom and grabbed Phillip around the base of his
cock and placed the bulbous tip to his slicked up hole. Very slowly, Casper started to lower himself
on Phillip s length. As the head breached his opening, Phillip hissed out a breath while Casper
moaned deeply. The stretch burned but all too soon melded into a mind-numbing pleasure that left his
body feeling revived and anxious.
His body slid all the way down Phillip s length until his ass rested on Phillip s muscled thighs.
Casper took a moment to enjoy the full feeling of being filled by Phillip then slowly lifted up until
only the head remained then lowered himself all the way down again, setting his own pace.
 That s it, baby. Ride me, take what you need from me, Phillip said as his breathing picked up.
His hands gripped tightly around Casper s thighs and set off a spark of desire inside Casper.
Casper sped up his movements, liking the animalistic sounds coming from Phillip as he neared
his release.
Casper leaned forward to crush his lips to Phillip s. The new angle had Casper s rigid cock
rubbing against Phillip s hard muscled stomach. Casper wrapped his fingers around the slats in the
headboard and pounded his ass down on Phillip s thickness faster and faster. He wanted to make this
feeling last forever but he was too close. The need to orgasm burned in his balls and demanded
 Yeah, baby, that s it. Right there. Phillip grabbed at Casper s ass with bruising force.
 It s not too much is it? I don t want to hurt you. Casper tried to slow down his thrusting.
 No, it s perfect. Phillip brought his hand up to touch Casper s cheek.  Just like you.
Sweat trickled down Casper s back and he let his body lose control. The feel of Phillip s hard
body against his cock set his prick off in an explosion of cum that splattered over Phillip s stomach.
As his ass clenched around Phillip, Casper could feel Phillip s cock pulse and widen as the first
burst of seed left the tip, painting the most intimate walls of his body. Casper milked Phillip s cock as
if he needed the white hot goodness to survive.
Casper gasped for breath and fell forward, only barely just catching himself before he collapsed
all his dead weight onto Phillip s wounded chest. Lying off to the side, he rested his head on Phillip s
shoulder. Casper still kept Phillip s softening shaft in his body.
After a few minutes of blissful silence Phillip said,  I think I need to change my bandage.
Casper sat up in a panic to see if his mate had begun to bleed or something.  I think your special
sauce got on it.
Casper looked up from the white bandage to his mate s smiling face.  Really? Casper playfully [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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