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Zach led him to the Jag and watched as Adrien groped around the edges of the door, not quite able to
find the handle. Finally, Zach opened the door.
"Ah, thank you. Adrien slid in gracefully, settling himself in the low-slung seat.
As he walked around to his own side of the car, Zach drew a small knife from his pocket. He winced as
he made a shallow cut, just deep enough to bleed freely, across his arm before getting in.
Adrien sniffed audibly.  You're bleeding."
"Am I?"
"You are, I can smell it. It's just a small cut. Are you all right? Adrien sounded very worried.  Did you
catch yourself on the car?"
"I'm fine. Do you like the smell? Zach put his plan into action.
Adrien drew back a little, eyebrows furrowed over sightless eyes.  What are you talking about?"
"I'm on to you. Diplomacy, to Zach, had always been a mealy-mouthed way of avoiding the truth.
"I did intend to have you on me tonight, yes. Adrien tried to change the subject.
"I intend far more."
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"I stayed awake all last night putting this together: empty condom, eternal boner, too good sense of
smell. Mysterious feeding habits."
"You know the other senses overcompensate, Adrien said.
"Not to this extent, Zach countered.
"And surely not so mysterious. You've had lovers refuse to eat with you before, I'm sure. Special diets
make other people uncomfortable."
"I know what you are, Zach persisted.
"Other than a blind Creole who gives amazing head? Adrien licked his lips hoping to move into safer
Adrien laughed. He laughed until the car rang with it, until he was clutching his sides, gasping for breath,
the tears running from his eyes.  Have you the first idea how ridiculous that sounds? This is the
twenty-first century."
Zach shrugged.  And there are stranger things out there."
"Vampires are the silly superstitions of medieval peasants to account for plagues and natural decay
"It destroyed your sight, didn't it?"
"What? Are you still claiming I'm a vampire? He hadn't stopped laughing and was clutching the hanging
strap over the door to steady himself.
"And you're going to give it to me."
"There are no such things. Do you hang your windows with wolfsbane as well? Adrien wrapped his
arms around his ribs, aching from the laughter.
"I'm bored. I want it. And you can be honest with me."
"I thought dying was not part of your grand plan. Adrien took a chance and flashed his fangs at Zach.
 If you are bored living as a mortal, how much more bored will you be dying eternally?"
"We'll find out, won't we? Zach smiled. He'd won.
"So you would trade your rapid life and easy death for the slow degeneration of my death?"
"Worth it for the high. Zach sounded almost dreamy.
"What high? Adrien knew the word, the implications. Before his last sleep, he'd eaten more than one
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flower child, homeless, starving and miserable on the streets of San Francisco.
"Of you turning me."
"You watch too many movies, Adrien sneered.  And I have no taste for human blood, he lied.
"You don't want me? Zach was puzzled, hurt. He'd never been rejected like this before.
"Not your blood. I want your body, your touch, your kisses."
"You can have them. For tonight, or forever, your choice."
Adrien gave him a normal smile, the fangs gone.  You do not strike me as the forever sort. And I am too
solitary. I have been alone so long I would not know how to comport myself otherwise."
"I'm not. Only if you make me that way. Zach was willing to try anything.
"I make no one into anything."
"Then tonight it is. Zach sounded rather sad at the notion. He pulled to a stop, before his apartment.
"And the change does not alter your personality. It renders it permanent, not improved. You would not
say forever even after. Adrien's face was sad.  I heard them in the line as I waited. Calling me a fool for
expecting a second night with you. Calling me  Zach's pity fuck'. Planning to ask if you'd told me there
was a Braille tattoo on your body parts."
Zach guided him into the elevator and scoffed quietly.  Just jealous because they didn't get the second
"I take it such is a rare event."
"Like flawless diamonds. Zach leaned in to kiss him, tongue feeling for the fangs Adrien had flashed.
"And I merit one only for what you want from me. It is not pity, but a new drug. Adrien moved a little
away, feeling his way along the elevator wall.
"No. I wanted you again last night, if you remember, Zach corrected.
Appeased, Adrien nodded.  And it was not safe for me to stay. You will have me, all of me, tonight."
For the first time in his long, very active sex life, Zach felt another man around him without an intervening
layer of latex.
They lay quietly afterward, Adrien on his back, Zach on his side, his ear pressed to Adrien's chest. He
listened to the silence, the lack of body sounds.
"If you aren't willing, I'll find another who is. And I'll be his. Zach licked Adrien's chest, tasting the
smooth, hard muscles, the kind that came from a life of hard work and not a gym.
"In three hundred and ten years, I have met one other, Adrien said softly.  We are ... not so common
as folklore would have us be. He closed his eyes.
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"I'll search as long as I live. Though I'd prefer to spend eternity as I am now."
"Young and beautiful and bored. Adrien stroked Zach's head. He lay silent for a while, thinking.
Without warning, he flipped Zach onto his back and snarled, letting his fangs descend.  Hear me before
you make this choice."
"I'm listening. Zach was already breathing hard.
"You think only of your vanity, your youth. Do you have an income source that will last for the next five
hundred years? Do you have a plan what to do with the lengthy death I am about to give you?"
Zach shook his head. He'd given no thought to the mundanities of life, or undeath.
"Then I have a proposition for you. I will stay with you while you create them. If you wish, I will even
drink from you: the  rush, the  high you desire. I will teach you what you must know of your extended
"Do it, Zach breathed. He was hard again. All his life, body fluids had meant death. Here, they meant
eternal life.
Adrien licked along his neck  Where does your shirt end? When Zach marked the edge with a finger,
he buried his fangs just below it. Zach cried out, louder than he ever had from mere fucking. His hips
bucked and when Adrien drew the fangs out to lick and suck at the blood, barely a quarter-cup, he
moaned clear through it.
"You will be a little pale tomorrow, Adrien whispered.  And more tomorrow night. And on, and on.
You will be very beautiful before I am done."
Zach pulled him over for a kiss, hard and needy. Adrien tasted of blood and arousal. His mouth was
very warm. Zach came from the taste.
"Let me tell you of the slow death. Adrien curled into his side.  Your organs, save your stomach, will
cease to function. They will continue to rot within you. Your soft tissue will degenerate and decay. My
eyes took two hundred and eighty years to fail me. I have seen many amazing things." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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