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Even beautiful women were known to bore powerful men eventually, and vice versa. The real trial
Ehomba faced might consist solely of reaching the sorcerer s country if indeed he was a sorcerer. For
all her skill, Rael had seemed uncertain as to his true vocation, if not his nature.
Well, Ehomba would find out. He hoped he would not have to fight the fellow. Fighting was a waste of
time when a man could be looking after his herds and raising his family. Perhaps this Hymneth was not
possessed by evil, but only by unhappiness, or a choleric disposition. Ehomba was good at making
friends. Most people liked him instinctively. With luck, so would this Hymneth the Possessed.
Water, mud, and saturated vegetable matter sloshed through his toes. Boots would have kept his feet
dry, but he could not imagine wearing footgear that completely enclosed his feet. A man s soles had to
breathe. Besides, the air was warm, and whatever liquid ran into the front of his sandals quickly ran out
the back.
Gradually he left the cultivated fields and struggling orchards behind. The modest road he had been
following shrank to a rutted track, then to a trail, until it finally disappeared in undisturbed grass that rose
to his knees. Startled by his approach, birds and small flying reptiles exploded from cover to flee,
squawking or hissing, in many directions. When he was hungry enough, he killed something to eat.
* * * *
Several days out from Kora Keri, he reached a broad but very shallow river whose name he did not
know. Wide sandbars protruded from water that ran clear over gravelly shallows. Unlike his crossing of
the Aurisbub, here he confronted a watercourse that he would not have to swim.
Making sure his pack was secure, he hefted it a little higher on his back and was preparing to make his
way down the gently curving bank when a voice hissed, softly but distinctly,  Man, I am going to kill
At first he could not find the source of the declaration. Only when he lowered his gaze markedly did he
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see the snake lying coiled in the grass where it gave way to the mud of the bank. It was ten or eleven feet
long and a light lavender color, its scales shining brightly in the sun. No spots or stripes decorated its
body, which helped to explain why he had not seen it. It was within easy striking distance of the place
where he had put his foot. He knew that a poisonous snake that large would carry a lot of venom, and
even though he did not recognize the type, he doubted its words no less than its intent.
Pushing his lips close together, he responded in the language of the legless. The snake s head drew back
at his reply. Plainly it was not used to being addressed by a human in its own tongue.
 You sspeak the wordss that sslither. What kind of human are you that you do sso?
 Just a herdssman, long brother. To show that he meant no harm, and that he was not afraid, Ehomba
sat down on the side of the bank, letting his feet dangle over the edge.  There are ssome herdssmen who
believe that a ssnake sshould be killed on ssight, to protect their animalss. Mysself, I do not believe in
killing anything unless it iss for a much more sspecific reasson.
The snake s head lowered and it eyed the seated man with great curiosity. In his seated, relaxed
position, Ehomba was quite helpless before the serpent, and the snake knew it. Realizing that it could kill
the biped anytime it wished, the inquisitive reptile slithered closer.
 Enlightened, as well as articulate. What if I were to kill one of your animalss? How then would you ssee
Ehomba shrugged, gazing out across the river as if he had not a care in the world, including the
impressively venomous reptile that had approached to within an arm s length of his exposed leg.
 All creaturess have to eat. Mysself, I am very fond of meat. So I undersstand.
 Is that sso? I have heard that ssome humanss conssume only fruitss and vegetabless.
The herdsman smiled down at the serpent.  Long brother, we each of uss eatss what ssuits our belliess.
As for mysself, I cannot imagine ssurviving on a diet of nutss and grass.
The snake hissed appreciatively.  I, too, long for ssomething warm and bloody to sslide down my throat.
It iss the most deliciouss feeling. But you are human: You burn your food before you eat it.
 Not alwayss. It sso happenss that I mysself also enjoy the occassional tasste of raw flessh.
Uninvited, the snake slid the upper portion of its body onto Ehomba s lap. It was heavy, and like the rest
of its kind, as solid as a flexible steel cable. He could not escape now if he wanted to but he did not
want to. He was enjoying the conversation. Not all snakes were so voluble.
 What a remarkable human you are. I think maybe I will not kill you.
 I appreciate that. It would sspoil what hass otherwisse been a good day. Reaching down with one
hand, he allowed the snake to slither onto it. Lifting it up, he found himself eye-to-eye with the business
end of cold, smooth flesh. Personified by penetrating, slitted, unblinking oculi, Death loomed only inches
away. For its part, Death regarded him cordially.
 Bessides, he added,  I am too large for you to sswallow anyway.
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