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know where it is but wecan carry you back across the Semordria. This time her grin did not surprise
her.  Try and hang on to a few of your pebbles. I like you, Etjole Ehomba. I find much to admire in you.
And much that bewilders me. But while I like to think there s much goodness in my heart, that doesn t
include free passage.
He nodded understandingly.  A few pebbles. Thoughts of them will keep your supercargo feeling
younger than his years.
 Broch s a good fellow. Sharp mind, sound seaman. He s devoted to me, and to the ship, and has made
it his mission to see to it that both of us stay afloat. Enjoy your last moments on theGrömsketter, Etjole
Ehomba. She ll miss you, and so will I. She stepped back from the railing.  There s much of interest to
see on the final leg of our approach into Doroune. Now if you ll excuse me, I have some small matters of
navigation to attend to below.
He watched her until she disappeared down one of the ladders that led to the main deck. Straight of
back and purpose, she was a fine woman. The sea had burnished her like bronze, had knocked off all the
rough edges and replaced them with the sharpness of salt and the fire of red coral. Mirhanja would like
her, he decided.
High on the white cliffs above, dragonets and seabirds screamed as the ship came around. It would be
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strange, he thought, to have again beneath his feet a floor that did not roll. Were he not so devoted a
herdsman, he had often thought he might have become a sailor.
But such a thing was not possible for a Naumkib. They were a people of their land. If men such as he
went off to sea, who would watch over the village and the herds? He inhaled deeply of the fresh, pungent
salt air, knowing that it might be some time before he could fill his lungs with it again.
Activity busied the docks of Doroune, but the crowds and freneticism he had encountered in
Hamacassar were absent. There was about the people here a sense of purpose, but not desperation.
They wanted to make money, but none were dying of the need to do so. It was a simpler place, an easier
place, especially for four strangers.
What, he found himself wondering, would Ehl-Larimar be like?
After spending the night on the boat, the following morning Ehomba was more than a little shocked to
see Hunkapa Aub carrying Simna ibn Sind down the unloading ramp, with a dour Ahlitah padding
behind. From above, Terious and Priget waved good-bye. Of Captain Stanager Rose there was no sign.
He was not surprised. She had made her farewell to him the previous day.
 Simna, what happened? What is wrong with you?
 Wrong? Tired eyelids fluttered and a wan smile flashed across the swordsman s countenance.  Hoy,
nothing s wrong, bruther. With a shaky hand he gestured toward his feet.  Me legs aren t working right
just now, that s all. A little rest and they ll be fine. Looking away from his tall friend, he let his eyes roll
skyward.  Me, I m already fine. Very fine indeed. Except for me lower appendages, thank you. With
that he closed his eyes, and was almost instantly asleep.
Hunkapa bore Simna s limp body effortlessly as they made their way inland from the docks. Puzzled,
Ehomba sought enlightenment from Aub, even though he felt he was attempting to mine a strata devoid of
that particular ore.
 What happened to him?
 Don t know. Brows like shredded rags drew together as the big biped struggled to cogitate.  Friend
Simna not much speak today. The bestial visage brightened.  Simna say he talk navigation with Captain
Rose. Last night.
 Naviga ? Finding understanding where he had expected to unearth none, the herdsman concluded
the excavation silently. Clearly, for his friend Simna, whatever else they might stumble into, Doroune had
for him already proven a propitious port of call.
Halting in the middle of a small plaza with a public drinking fountain before them, Ehomba considered the
shopfronts that ringed the circular square.  We need a guide, some information, and instruction.
Still carrying the swordsman, who was by now awake, moaning, and holding himself, Hunkapa gestured
with his great shaggy head.  Ehomba want go west. Hunkapa guide! That way, west. Next to him,
Ahlitah commented by farting.
Leaning on his spear, the herdsman smiled tolerantly at his oversized companion.  That is very good,
Hunkapa. I am glad you know which way is west. But before we start we should try to learn something
about the country we must pass through. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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