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breasts, glowing skin and legs that wouldn t quit.  Anywhere? he managed to choke out.
 Anywhere, anytime, any way.
She stepped out of the tiny scrap of material she had the audacity to call a thong, and Josh had to
steady himself by grabbing the back of the couch. Holy hell. Never mind a princess, she was a goddess.
Mother Earth.
Curvy enough to bring any man to his knees. As for her pussy, the clean-shaven flesh beckoned him
closer. Closer still. Until he was in front of her. Touching her. Hauling her naked form into his arms and
kissing her with all the pent-up frustration and need of an eighteen-year-old.
An eighteen-year-old who d lusted after her for five years.
He scooped her up and carried her into the pristine wood and glass bedroom, laying her down on
snow-white Egyptian cotton sheets.  The anywhere we ll leave for later. Sex in public? Not something
Jess Dee
he d ever done. Not something he d discount though. Perhaps when it was darker& ?  The anytime is right
now. Well, to start with.  As for the any way& Princess, there are so many ways I wanna make love to
you, you ll be ninety before we ve covered half of them.
 You talk the talk, bigshot. But so far I haven t seen any signs of you walking the walk.
He raised an eyebrow.  You want a sign?
 No, I want you to stop talking and fuck me senseless.
He pulled off his shirt and tossed it aside. As his pants came off, he acknowledged defeat. How could
he not? His dick was a solid pole jutting out before him, the head leaking a steady trail of precome.  You
know I m gonna last all of three seconds once I get inside you?
 Then it ll be two seconds longer than me, she admitted hoarsely, her gaze glued to his erection.
He tore open a condom, eternally grateful to the hotel for having the foresight he so clearly lacked.
With his gaze focused on the juncture between her legs, he sheathed himself.  Show me, he urged,
watching as goose bumps popped up all over her skin.
Without hesitation, Sienna bent her knees and spread her legs, offering Josh a view he d waited
almost his whole life to see.
God help him, it was worth every minute of the wait.
Her pussy lips glistened between her thighs, a welcome invitation to the shaft he now gripped tight in
his palm. He dragged air into his lungs.
 I can t go slow, princess, he warned.  I ve waited too long for this moment. Wanted you forever. If
I take a step towards the bed, it s not gonna be for gentle kisses and foreplay. I m gonna bury myself as
deep inside you as I can get and not stop moving until you ve come screaming and every last drop of semen
has drained from my cock.
A trickle of cream oozed from her exposed lips.  Promises, promises.
Josh pounced.
One second he stood in front of the bed, the next he covered her goddess-like body with his own and
helped himself to her mouth. The sensations of her bare flesh clasped against his, of her taut nipples poking
his chest and her womanly softness pillowing his harder muscles had him ready to blow.
As their lips melded and their tongues tangoed, she wrapped her legs around his waist and tilted her
Her warm pussy caressed his cock, the evidence of her desire moistening his balls and the tiny bit of
exposed flesh at the base of his dick. If he d thought he couldn t get any harder, he d thought very wrong.
With one thrust, Josh did as he d longed to do since his first wet dream about her. Full to bursting, he
buried himself in his dream girl.
Sienna pulled her mouth from his with a gasp, her entire body tensing.
Josh froze. Fuck.
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Island Idyll
 Princess? he growled.
Her answer was a low moan.
His heart pounded.  Are you okay?
Her breath came in fast gulps.  B-better than okay.
Thank fucking God.  I thought I d hurt you.
She shook her head and squeezed her muscles around his cock, as though testing his girth and self
control.  You re bigger than I m used to, is all.
Well, hell. His chest puffed up to twice its normal size.  I ll be gentle, he promised.
 Don t you fucking dare, she warned testily, and rolled her hips beneath him.
Ah. Fuck.
She did it again.
Jesus. No fair. She wasn t used to his size. He had to go slow.
Josh placed his hands on either side of her head and lifted his weight off her slightly. Sweat beaded on
his spine, the result of his concerted effort to remain still.
 Josh, she growled between clenched teeth.  Move. Please. Move, now!
Slow. Just go slow.
 Argh! With a yell, she arched her back, clasped his waist tight between her legs and rode his dick as
fast and as fiercely as her position would allow.
Velvet heat surrounded his shaft, sucked him in deep, stunned him all the way down to his toes, then
released him. Fast, so fast. Too fast. He couldn t appreciate it.
Then it was back. The velvet heat. Her pussy. Her hot, wet pussy, claiming him, calling him. Fucking
With a wild roar, he lost his control.
Josh pistoned into her, over and over, stroking his cock inside her. Deep. So fucking deep he couldn t
tell where he finished and she started. So deep he d have feared losing himself inside her if that wasn t
exactly where he wanted to be. Where he d always wanted to be.
She was right there with him, all the way. Meeting every feral thrust, clamping her inner walls around
his erection, trapping him inside so every tug out was a delicious struggle. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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