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away from them, they re dangerous.
The last thing the Kingdom needed was for the King pair to lose their only child.
 But you re a dragon. Are you dangerous? Sammy asked.
 Yes, but not for you.
Sammy giggled and ducked back behind the throne.
The adults laughed.
 We will need to add guards to Blake. He refused to lose the wolf when he just
found him.
 I can watch him, Leif said.
 From dragons? Rhaegar raised an eyebrow.  I have no doubt you re a tough
bird, but a raven has no chance against a dragon, even a mutant dragon.
Leif opened his mouth, no doubt to argue, but he snapped it shut again.
 I ll be fine. I m not exactly a dragon, but if they are trying to capture me instead
of kill me, I can probably escape. Blake rubbed Leif s arm as if trying to soothe the
raven shifter s ego.
 You ll have guards with you at all times. We ll make sure they are strong fae to
take down the dragons if they come after you again, Farro announced.
 But if they take me, we can follow them back to Korl, Blake proposed.
 No! four voices shouted simultaneously.
 Okay, okay, it was just an idea. Blake raised his hands, palms out.
 Bad idea, Rhaegar groused.
 Very bad idea, Leif agreed.
Finally they were on the same page. Maybe they could build a relationship on
their common goal of keeping Blake safe. They exchanged a grim look.
Good, they were together on this.
Chapter Seven
After spending the rest of the afternoon checking castle security with Blake and
Rhaegar, Leif knew he was in trouble. No longer would he have Blake by himself.
Rhaegar now had a claim. While Leif had considered multiple mates before, the reality
would be much more difficult. Balancing his and Blake s needs with a strong alpha
dragon could lead to problems.
Dragons weren t known for being patient.
The mutant dragons had been an unpleasant surprise, but really, it had been only
a matter of time before Korl successfully created another mutant breed. The big
question was why did the mutants want Blake, and how could they keep them safe?
 Why don t you two make yourself comfortable in my room? Rhaegar asked.
 It s larger than average to accommodate my size in case I change.
Leif knew what Rhaegar expected. He just didn t know if they were ready for
that yet. Maybe he was expecting too much for a man who had waited centuries for his
 What you think, Blake?
Blake tilted his head and gave them a considering look.  If we re going to be
mates, we need to get to know each other. Wolves do that by touch. I think we should
sleep in his room.
Rhaegar didn t bother to hide his pleasure. The large dragon swept Blake up and
spun him around before setting him back on his feet.
The unmitigated joy on Rhaegar s face made Leif agree.  Very well.
Blake beamed at him. Leif knew he d do anything to keep that expression on his
wolf shifter s face. Blake blamed himself too much for events of the past. The serious
shifter needed more fun in his life.
The room assigned to Rhaegar was four times larger than Leif s condo.
 I think that s the largest bed I ve ever seen, Blake said, awe shining in his
golden eyes.
 The better to tumble around on it with you, Rhaegar teased.
 We ll get to the tumbling soon enough, Leif said. He didn t know if he was
ready yet to deal with a rambunctious dragon.
 What is bothering you, raven? Are you truly against dragon-kind? Rhaegar
 What makes you think that? Leif hadn t meant to make Rhaegar feel as if he
wasn t wanted.
 Probably because you re more skittish than a cat with its tail on fire, Blake
answered for him.
 I am not. Truth was, Rhaegar intimidated him.
 Did I do something to offend you? Rhaegar asked.
Blake stripped off his shirt and tossed it to the floor. He d apparently become
tired of waiting for anyone else to make the next move.
 I like where this is going, Rhaegar said.
Leif shook his head.  I guess I m being silly. I m attracted to both of you. If you
think I m your fated mate I m willing to explore our attraction.
 That s the spirit, Rhaegar said. His eyes glowed with approval. Between one
blink to the next, the dragon shifter lost his clothing.
 That was fast. Blake beamed with approval.
Leif took off his shirt. Stepping closer, he dropped to his knees before Blake. If he
was going to do this, he would do it his way. He needed to be the one in control this
first time.
 If this makes you more comfortable, Leif, you can be in charge, Rhaegar
 Good, Leif didn t even turn around to face the dragon shifter. Just for a [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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