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fingertips over Dan's chest, watches the goosebumps rise in response.
When Dan stirs, and tries to move, Justin extends his fingers, lays his hand
flat on Dan's chest, and holds him still. It's not a lot of pressure, and Dan
could certainly fight past it if he wanted, but he doesn't. He submits, and
lies back with his eyes closed.
Justin leans over more, and brings his mouth to Dan's ear. "You all
right? This okay?" His hand keeps moving, barely touching, and when
Dan nods, Justin leans up again, props his head with his hand so he'll be
able to watch as he touches. Dan's skin is pale, already coloring a little
under the hot sun, and Justin wants to kiss it, taste it& . But he knows
where that will lead, and he wants to spend a little time doing this, for
Justin touches Dan everywhere he can reach, and he watches Dan's
responses, feels the way Dan's breathing changes, the way his muscles
twitch when he's touched in different places. Justin's torn between trying
to make himself focus on the moment, enjoying himself, and trying to
catalogue the responses, storing them away for future reference.
After a few minutes, Dan's eyes cut over to Justin inquiringly. Justin
smiles at him, and Dan's eyebrows furrow a little. He starts to talk, then
stops, then starts again. "Just this?" he asks. "Do you want me to do&
Justin shakes his head, and leans down for a gentle kiss. "Not yet,
okay?" Then he catches himself. "Actually, yeah. Roll over? Let me see
you everywhere?"
Dan cuts his eyes back again, looking doubtful. There's a moment
when Justin thinks he's going to refuse, or at least to ask a question, but
the moment passes and Dan rolls away from Justin, over onto his side and
Sometimes You Just Know | Kate Sherwood
then his stomach. He pauses again, and then shifts himself back over to
put himself within convenient range of Justin's touch.
Justin takes a moment just to look at Dan, the rise of his shoulders
sloping to his hard, narrow waist, and then rising again, his ass muscular
and round, his legs strong and a little bowed. Justin can't wait long before
he touches, and this time he can't use just his fingers, has to lean over and
press a line of kisses down Dan's spine. Justin shifts himself over a little,
nestling his right leg in between Dan's, with Justin's torso still twisted off
to the side so he can see Dan's back and have easy access to all of it. The
new position brings Justin's cock up against the side of Dan's ass, and he
can feel it begin to harden at the contact, and knows that Dan can feel it
Justin tries to take his mind off it, and go back to the soft touching,
but Dan is moving a little now, subtle little ripples of his body, his ass
rubbing up against Justin, gentle warmth and friction, and Justin's kisses
on Dan's shoulder change from soft to demanding. Dan turns his head and
Justin surges forward to find his lips, and brings his body more on top of
Dan, letting his weight press Dan down.
With Dan's upper body pinned, he moves his lower half, shifting over to
be more underneath Justin, Justin's cock now totally hard and rubbing
down the crease of Dan's ass. Justin gasps at the new sensation, wishes
frantically that he'd thought to bring lube, or even a condom, and then he
remembers Dan's deal from the night before, the agreement that Justin
would bottom. He thinks of it now, thinks of Dan stretching him open,
sinking into him, and even though it's not something he normally seeks
out, the idea is exciting; the idea of giving that access to Dan is exciting.
But Dan seems to have given up on that idea, shifting his legs wider
open and canting his ass upwards, making the contact tighter and even
more sensational. Justin groans and leans down again, finding Dan's
mouth and plunging his tongue inside, grabbing the back of his head to tilt
his face further in Justin's direction. Their hips are moving together now,
Sometimes You Just Know | Kate Sherwood
hard, frantic movements on Justin's part, sensual waves from Dan, but
somehow in time, in rhythm.
Justin wants to be inside Dan so much that he can barely stop
himself. On one of his thrusts his dick catches a little on Dan's hole, and
Dan moves as if to welcome it. Dan pulls his face away and says, "It's
okay, if you want& I just got tested, I'm clean."
Justin can't say the same, not for sure; he's always careful, always
uses protection, but it's been a while since he had a test. He doesn't know [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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