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double +3 rnds

7 Screen Hides area from vision, scrying Illus V,S 10 min Close 30-ft cube/lvl 1 day Will dsblf - 274

8 Polymorph Any Object Transform target into new form Trans V,S,M/DF 1 a Close Creat/obj 100 cu.ft/lvl Special - Yes 263

9 Time Stop You act freely for 1d4+1 rounds Trans V 1 a Self Caster 1d4+1 rounds - - 294
War Domain
Spell Description Schl Comp Time Range Target, Effect, Area Duration Save SR PHB

1 Magic Weapon Weapon gets +1 att/dmg Trans V,S,F,DF 1 a Touch Weapon 1 min/lvl Will negs Yes 251

2 Spiritual Weapon 1d8 +1/3lvls damage, attacks by itself Evoc V,S,DF 1 a Medium Magical weapon 1 rnd/lvl (D) - Yes 283

3 Magic Vestment Armor/shield gains +1/4lvls Trans V,S,DF 1 a Touch Armor/shield 1 hr/lvl Will negs Yes 251

4 Divine Power +lvl as Att bonus, +6 Str, 1 hp/lvl Evoc V,S,DF 1 a Self Caster 1 rnd/lvl - - 224

5 Flame Strike Smites foes with divine fire 1d6/lvl Evoc V,S,DF 1 a Medium 10-ft radius Instantaneous Ref half Yes 231

6 Blade Barrier Blades deal 1d6 damage/lvl Evoc V,S 1 a Medium Wall 20-ft long/lvl 1 min/lvl (D) Ref half Yes 205

7 Power Word, Blind Blinds one target less than 200 hps Ench V 1 a Close One creature Special - Yes 263

8 Power Word, Stun Stuns one target less than 150 hps Ench V 1 a Close One creature Special - Yes 263

9 Power Word, Kill Kills one target less than 100 hps Ench V 1 a Close One living creature Instantaneous - Yes 263
Water Domain
Spell Description Schl Comp Time Range Target, Effect, Area Duration Save SR PHB

1 Obscuring Mist Fog surrounds you, visibility 5-ft Conj V,S 1 a 20-ft 20-ft radius 1 min/lvl - - 258

2 Fog Cloud Fog limits vision to 5-ft Conj V,S 1 a Medium 20-ft radius 10 min/lvl - - 232

3 Water Breathing Targets can breath underwater Trans V,S,M/DF 1 a Touch Living creatures 2 hr/lvl Will negs Yes 300

4 Control Water Raises, lowers or parts water Trans V,S,M/DF 1 a Long 10ftx10ftx2ft/lvl 10 min/lvl (D) - - 214

5 Ice Storm Hail does 3d6 bludgeon, 2d6 cold Evoc V,S,M/DF 1 a Long 20-ft radius 1 round - Yes 243

6 Cone of Cold 1d6 cold damage/lvl (15d6) Evoc V,S,M/DF 1 a 60-ft Cone Instantaneous Ref half Yes 212

7 Acid Fog Fog deals 2d6/rnd acid damage Conj V,S,M/DF 1 a Medium 20-ft radius 1 rnd/lvl - - 196

8 Horrid Wilting 1d6 dmg/lvl (20d6) in 60-ft Necro V,S,M/DF 1 a Long Living creatures Instantaneous Fort half Yes 242

9 Elemental Swarm Summons 2d4 Large, 1d4 Huge Conj V,S 10 min Medium 2+ creatures 10 min/lvl (D) - - 226
http://www.militaryfocus.com/dnd/index.htm Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 Cleric Spells October 10, 2003 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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