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name. I ve got to get to her. Tobi stood and started to make her
way around them.
Jake grabbed Tobi s arm to stop her.  You can t go to him
alone, Tobi. It s not safe, and what happens if he gets you, too?
 I have to do something, Jake. I just can t sit here and wait.
He ll kill her!
Taking her by her upper arms, he shook her gently.  I m not
asking you to sit here and wait. I m just saying you can t go alone.
I know the area where he wants to meet you. It s heavily
populated. I ll go with you and keep back far enough so that he
won t see me.
 I ll go, too, Grace said.
 Me, too, Tim added.
 Now, wait a minute. I can t expect you all to put yourself in
danger for me, Tobi said.
Grace walked up to Tobi and placed her palm against her
cheek.  I can and will, Tobi. That s my daughter we re talking
about. Furthermore, I consider you my daughter, as well. What
kind of mother would I be if I didn t do everything in my power to
protect the ones I love?
Tobi sobbed and threw herself into Grace s arms. Grace
rubbed her back and held her close until the tears slowed.
 Now, let s all work together and bring Ryan home.
Tobi leaned back and nodded as she wiped her eyes with the
tissue Tim handed her.  I m sorry.
 Don t be sorry, Jake said.  We understand; but Grace, I
need you and Tim to stay here in case they call back with that
address. Glancing at Tim and seeing his nod of understanding, he
Traffic Stop
looked at Grace and saw that she was about to argue. He placed a
hand on her arm.  Please?
Grace had a moment of indecision before finally agreeing.
 Okay. Bring my girls back home to me, Jake.
 I ll do my best. Turning toward Tobi, he said,  To do that,
Tobi, I need to call in some backup help.
 Jake, you can t do that. You know what he said. If I don t go
alone, he ll kill her.
 I ll make sure he can t recognize them. We do this all the
Tobi saw the sincerity in his eyes and knew he wanted what
was best for her and ultimately for Ryan.  Okay, she said with a
resigned sigh.
Jake patted her knee and stood up.  I ll be right back, he said,
heading toward the kitchen.
Jake returned after a few minutes and sat back down.  I ve
arranged for two squads to help. Let me show you how this is
going to work. He grabbed the pen and paper and diagrammed
the area. After marking the spot where Tobi was going to be, he
placed Xs where the rest of them could find cover.
 Just try to keep some distance between the two of you at all
times, okay?
 Okay, Tobi said, standing.
Jake looked pointedly at each one of them before saying,
 Let s do it.
Tara Wentz
Traffic Stop
Chapter Twenty
ictor yanked the cop upright and tightened the rope
around her, effectively securing her to the chair. He
grabbed a handful of her hair and jerked her head up
to peer into eyes glazed over with pain. Even with the split lip and
bruise forming on the side of her face, she was beautiful. If this
had been anyone else, he would have found her extremely
attractive, but knowing who she fucked infuriated him.
 Too bad your girlfriend had to go and screw everything up
for you, he mumbled.  It ll be the last damned time she does. I m
gonna make sure of that.
He kicked her foot as he walked by and threw himself into the
recliner. Running his hand along the side of the gun, he leaned
 In less than an hour, that bitch will be standin in front of me.
I ll make her understand, then she ll really be sorry.
He grabbed a roll of duct tape and tore a long piece off. He
placed it over Ryan s mouth, then tore off another piece and put it
over the first.
 Don t want you gettin any ideas while I m gone.
Tara Wentz
He left the room to grab his coat and came back. He turned the
television on and turned the volume up before walking to the
doorway and taking one last look at the bruised cop. He tugged his
coat on and strolled down the hall and out the door.
Ryan heard the door close and slumped in relief. Every part of
her body ached. The last blow of his fist connecting with her jaw
was almost more than she could handle. Whether she was quiet or
not, it didn t seem to make much difference. Victor hated her, and
nothing she could do would change that. Looking into the dark
depths of his eyes, Ryan sensed that she was peering into the soul
of a cold-blooded killer, and she and Tobi were his next victims. If
only she could get these ropes loose.
After hearing his conversation with Tobi, Ryan knew she had
to do something, and fast. She jerked against the tight restraints
holding her to the chair, but they wouldn t budge. She looked
down at the ropes holding her wrists and pulled to see if they were
even the slightest bit loose. She lurched against the bonds again
and again, but they remained fast. As she pulled one last time it
made them tighter and the ropes dug into her ribs. Ryan s chest
heaved as she tried to catch her breath. She closed her eyes in
dejection as a single tear slipped down her cheek. I m so sorry,
Ryan opened her eyes. She realized she must have dozed off
or passed out. It was a little darker outside, and the glow from the
television provided the only illumination in the room. She glanced
down at the table next to her where old and yellowed newspaper [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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